Your health plan can save big through the Alliance Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)
We understand that every dollar saved is a dollar you can invest into the health and wellness of your community. Leveraging the group purchasing power of all Alliance members, we’ve negotiated exclusive savings with many of the top service providers in the industry. By purchasing services through the Alliance GPO, you have access to exclusive pricing and/or value-added services. Plus, you can help generate revenue for the Alliance which is invested into programming, services and strategic projects that support the work you’re doing. With the Board of Directors’ approval, a portion of these funds may be given back to your health plan in the form of a product distribution which is credited to your annual membership dues.
Why buy through the GPO?

Receive direct savings
By leveraging the group purchasing power of all the Alliance members, we are able to negotiate exclusive savings and value-added services with many of the top service providers in the industry. Alliance members collectively save an estimated $3.5 million on services purchased through the Alliance GPO each year.
Support the Alliance
When you buy through the Alliance GPO, you also support the Alliance. About a fourth of Alliance revenue was generated by member purchases made through the Alliance GPO. The Alliance invests this revenue back into programming, services and strategic projects that support the work you're doing.
Reduce your organization's annual membership dues
Often the Alliance doesn't need to invest all the GPO revenue into programming and projects. When this happens, the Board of Directors may approve an amount be returned to the members that generated GPO revenue that year and Alliance shareholders. In the past, the Alliance Board of Directors has approved as much as $200,000 for distribution to Alliance members.
Who is participating and where can I find their contract details?
- Head to the vendor directory. Filter the results to show just the companies in the Alliance Group Purchasing Organization.
- Click on the name of a company you're interested in learning more about to view their profile.
- Click the link to download the company's "Contract for member savings". Here you'll find the details of their GPO contact, a list of Alliance members that are currently working with them and Alliance member references.
Have a question or need assistance? Contact Jaime González, Chief Business Development Officer.