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Senior HR Executive Peer Group - October 2024

Event Date: 10/9/2024

Event Overview

Wednesday, 10/9/2024
12:30 PM CT – 1:30 PM CT (60 minutes)
Hosted by: Health Plan Alliance

The Senior HR Executive Peer Group Roundtable series is specifically designed for Alliance member health plan leaders with responsibility for your organization’s top HR executive.

Each call is structured as a highly interactive 1-hour roundtable discussion. We generate topics in advance of the call and also provide a forum for our Senior HR Executive leaders to raise new or emerging topics with this peer group.

These roundtable calls are invitation-only. If you would like to learn more, please contact to request additional details about this group.

PLATFORM NOTES: The roundtable discussion will be hosted on Zoom.


Senior HR Executives, by invitation only. Please contact if you have any questions. 

Stay connected with the Senior HR Executives Work Group

In this group, you'll find:

  • Contact information for all group members so you can easily connect by phone or email
  • Access to the private HR executives discussion forum where you can quickly message the group with a question or information
  • Upcoming opportunities to collaborate with the group

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Fee End Date Description Amount
10/9/2024 Exclusive to Alliance Partner or Shareholder organizations FREE