Presbyterian Health Plan

Company Profile
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Year Licensed: 1986 |
Alliance Company Type: Shareholder |
Presbyterian Health Plan Issues Public Comment on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Rule
Brandon Fryar, president of Presbyterian Health Plan, Albuquerque, New Mexico, has issued a public comment on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rule entitled "Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency". The comment was written on May 20, 2020, and posted on May 21, 2020.
Heather Ingram, Presbyterian Health Plan, named 2020 Women of Influence honoree
Heather Ingram, the executive director of Centennial Care at Presbyterian Health Plan, along with Dr. Rachel Frija, delivery system manager of clinical education and professional development at Presbyterian Health System and Michelle Lewis Reeves, director of leadership development at PHS made the list of 2020 Women of Influence by Albuquerque Business First.
Health insurers migrating to Medicare, Medicaid
Fryar, president of the health system-run insurer Presbyterian Health Plan, said shifting away from fee-for-service payment toward value-based payment arrangements with clinicians is essential, because it creates incentives for physicians to meet cost and quality measures, which helps Presbyterian serve the population on a fixed, lean budget.
Presbyterian picks up United Medicaid clients
Presbyterian Health Plan will acquire 85,000 Medicaid members insured under UnitedHealthcare of New Mexico as well as 340 United employees in a deal both companies confirmed Thursday.
BLOG: Top takeaways from the 2018 Pharmacy Networking Meeting
28 pharmacy leaders from 12 Alliance member health plans met in Dallas May 15-17 to discuss the accelerated pace of change in the pharmacy industry and the increased complexity of pharmacy program management.
Presbyterian Podcast: Supporting better habits and building healthy communities
In a new podcast, Presbyterian Healthcare Services Director of the Center for Community Health, Leigh Caswell, discusses how Presbyterian's programs - including healthy food 'prescriptions,' summer meals and a mobile farmers market - drive healthier eating habits and contribute to healthier economies.
J.D. Power ranks four Health Plan Alliance members "highest in member satisfaction" in at least one region
J.D. Power Member Health Plan Study finds health plans that utilize an integrated delivery system outperform traditional health plans on every factor measured in the study.