3200 S National
Springfield, MO, 65807


Company Profile

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Year Licensed: 1995
Accreditation Type: AAAHC,
Number of Employees: 100
Health Plan Profit Status: Not-for-profit tax exempt,
Health Plan Tax Status:

Alliance Company Type: Partner
Alliance Member Since: 7/1/2013
Alliance Shareholder Since:
CMS Regional Office: Region 7


CoxHealth Selects MDLIVE as Virtual Healthcare Partner to Deliver Comprehensive Care Across Missouri Communities
MDLIVE’s virtual care platform will be seamlessly integrated into CoxHealth’s existing digital framework to optimize the virtual care experience for both consumers and providers across the state of Missouri.


CoxHealth Selects MDLIVE as Virtual Healthcare Partner to Deliver Comprehensive Care Across Missouri Communities
“We chose MDLIVE based on their track record of driving world-class consumer and clinician experience, as well as their ability to seamlessly integrate their platform within our Electronic Health Records (EHRs),” said Dr. Louis Krenn, Medical Director of Ambulatory Clinical Practice Efficiency.