
Member Level: Silver

Vendor Overview

Description of Services: Healthmine is the industry’s leading quality improvement solution focused on empowering people to take the right actions to improve their health. We build personalized, ongoing member engagement strategies for health plans in all lines of business. These strategies are delivered via our SaaS-based, always-on platform that drives healthy action through customized triggers for clinical, pharmacy, and CAHPS and HOS measures. When paired with intelligent incentives and rewards, the net result is improved outcomes and well-managed medical spend. In addition, Healthmine clients have transparency into real-time, actionable insights on the success of member engagement and satisfaction initiatives, as well as the ability to identify and prioritize areas of opportunity to improve quality measures and Star Ratings. To learn more visit

Primary Service: Automation, Workflow and IT Services
Secondary Service: Consulting

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539 W. Commerce St
Dallas, TX 75208

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Vendor Video

Recording: Improve Quality Performance Through Member Engagement & Rewards
In this webinar recording, HealthMine offers a solution with proven results in engaging and rewarding members and improving quality performance. The platform was built inside of a health plan and adds value to plans with the ability to integrate data, connect partners, utilize plan end-user interface and offer a personal health assistant to help members navigate the steps needed to improve their care.


Presentation: Improve Quality Performance Through Member Engagement & Rewards
HealthMine offers a solution with proven results in engaging and rewarding members and improving quality performance. The platform was built inside of a health plan and adds value to plans with the ability to integrate data, connect partners, utilize plan end-user interface and offer a personal health assistant to help members navigate the steps needed to improve their care.


Presentation One-Pager: Improve Quality Performance Through Multi-Modal Member Engagement & Rewards
HealthMine offers one continuous member health reward and engagement solution, motivating members using multiple modalities to complete health actions, constantly monitoring performance, continued satisfaction, and providing plan users real-time actionable insights.