Farewell Letter from Roe Carson, Business Development Specialist



Dear Alliance Colleagues:

I appreciate the opportunity I had with Vizient and Health Plan Alliance to grow in my career and be a part of both companies. I will retire on May 31, 2023, after 35 years; working for Vizient, 24 years and the Alliance, 11 years. I'll never forget the experiences I had working here! 

I’m grateful for the support and encouragement the Alliance team gave me during my tenure. I started in the mailroom with Vizient and years later to a business specialist with Health Plan Alliance. I've learned so much from each of you. Thank you all for being a real inspiration to me.

I will miss my interactions with our members and especially our sponsors.  These relationships were some of the best aspects of my job. I'm proud of the work I've done with the Alliance team and I will also miss all of you. I will be taking with me many special memories of our time.

Thanks for being great colleagues and friends, and for always making me feel like an important part of the team. Know that I’m always wishing the best to the Alliance! 


Rosecelia (Roe) E. Carson 
E: roecarson@gmail.com